Eligibility Criteria
In order to provide every candidate with the best help they can receive, Renew seeks to accept those to whom we are called and equipped to minister. In order to be considered as a candidate for the ministry the applicant must meet the following criteria:
This ministry is designed to bring about change, so applicants must demonstrate a willingness to change at all times.
An applicant does not need to be a Christian to come here, however, they must be open to seeking God and the direction He has for their life. They must understand that they are coming to a Christ-centered ministry, where God’s word is the ultimate authority and where they will be taught and held accountable to Christian standards of behavior.
An applicant must have a sincere desire and willingness to be challenged and discipled both spiritually and practically in a walk with Christ.
An applicant must be physically able to participate in all activities including, but not limited to, chores, minimal exercise, and practical Christian Ministry.
An applicant must not be on any prescription medication that is addictive or potentially abusive. Life sustaining medications and some Psychotropic medications are allowed with proper prescription. Renew Ministry Team must approve all medications. Renew is not a medical facility, for safety reasons, all medication is secured, monitored and made available daily. Please review the list of medications NOT permitted at Renew prior to applying.
An applicant must not need any treatment for medical conditions in the first six months. Although we understand health is important, we also understand that it has not been the main focus of the applicant's life. During the initial six months of the program we do not schedule regular dental or health check-ups. Renew is not staffed to transport residents to and from medical appointments. Therefore, any serious medical/dental needs must be addressed prior to entry into the program. In the event of an actual emergency, Residents will be taken to the dentist/doctor.
You must be able to provide a one-time $250 cash donation to the ministry, in order to have something of your own invested in changing your life.
Disclaimer: Renew may not be suitable for everybody. A referral network is in place and is being expanded for people to whom Renew may not be equipped to help, i.e., those in need of detoxification, those with mental illnesses, severe physical illnesses or disabilities, etc. Renew does not discriminate based upon race or ethnic background.
Application Process
There are several steps in our Acceptance Process. They are as follow:
Initial Contact. Eligibility criteria will be discussed and a decision made about whether or not to move forward with the application process or refer the applicant to another ministry or program.
Review Handbook. The handbook must be thoroughly reviewed by an applicant, before her application will be considered. This document can be found on our website at wrenewchatt.com.
Application. Applicant must complete both the APPLICATION and SHARE YOUR HEART documents, which can be obtained from the above website.
Interview. Once the Application and Share Your Heart document have been completed, either an in-person or phone interview will be scheduled to discuss application.
Prayer. The applicant and Renew Ministry Team will pray and seek the Lord as to whether or not His will for the applicant’s future includes becoming a Resident at Renew.
Follow Up Phone Call. After prayerful consideration and discussion, Renew Ministry Team will make a final decision. Further instruction upon acceptance will be given at this time and an entrance day will be determined.
Entrance Day. On the appointed day, the following steps will be taken:
Applicant provides a photo ID (Driver license, state ID or passport)
Drug screen may be administered
Applicant makes her $250 entry donation
The following paperwork will be completed: Ministry Commitment, General Release, and Ministry Agreement forms
Belongings check in to ensure that the packing list has been followed
Guidelines + Expectations
Renew is a Christian Discipleship Ministry. This means that Residents will be receiving Biblical teaching and be held accountable to Christian forms of behavior. God’s Word will be used as the authority by which all guidelines and rules will be determined.
Renew is a one-year program. However, at 30 days there will be an evaluation to determine – based upon Resident’s experience and participation up until that point - if Resident agrees to commit to the entire year and/or if Resident is a good fit for the program. At this evaluation Resident can choose to leave the program and Resident may also be asked to leave the program if it she not a good fit.
A Drug Screen will be done upon arrival. Resident agrees to submit to this drug screening and any subsequent, random drug screening during her time in the Ministry.
Renew is a tobacco free ministry. This means that no use or possession of any tobacco products, including vaping, patches or gum will be allowed. Any tobacco products or paraphernalia present upon arrival will be disposed of.
Residents of the Renew Ministry taking life sustaining or approved psychotropic medications must follow ministry guidelines and receive pre-approval. She must have a valid prescription with at least one refill (See Medication Policy & List of Medications not permitted).
Money is not necessary in the early phases of the ministry. Please do not bring it with you since you will not be allowed to have it on your person.
Personal vehicles will not be permitted for most of your ministry stay. In Phase 3 of the Ministry, vehicle use will be at the discretion of the Ministry Team.
Resident is welcome to bring an IPOD or MP3 player, but it must not have Internet capability and can only contain Christian music.
We have found that the degree of success we can achieve through the Renew Ministry is directly connected to keeping the residential environment free from distractions that will hinder our Residents in their process of detoxing from not just their addiction, but their old ways and patterns of thinking that led them to that addiction as well. We have seen Residents make huge breakthroughs when they are able to tune out things that have previously been distractions. For that reason, there are no televisions, computers, cell phones or video games permitted on the premises. Most Residents see a huge advantage from limiting these distractions.
Renew is not a program based upon principles and rules designed to achieve behavioral modification. It is an introduction to the most transformational relationship on earth – our relationship with our Creator. And because that relationship is more important than any other, we require it to be the sole focus of our Residents during the term of their stay. That means that there will be no communication or romantic involvement with men or women, no boyfriends, girlfriends or fiancés. . This includes verbal contact, mail, phone, visitation, third party, etc. Exceptions to this rule would be husbands of Residents. However, in certain cases, communication with husbands may also be put on hold when it becomes necessary to do so for the healing of both parties. Since it takes an intentional focus on Christ to achieve the radical transformation that needs to take place to be completely free, a resident’s focus cannot be compromised or complicated by a competing relationship to someone other than Jesus.
We will do our best to help with food allergies but we cannot accommodate special diets or eating preferences. Healthy options will be offered at each meal.
If you decide to leave Renew prior to the end of your commitment, you have 30 minutes to pack your things and make arrangements to be picked up at a location designated by Renew. If no arrangement is made, we will provide transportation to the airport, bus station or homeless shelter for the Resident and her belongings.
Each member of the staff feels called by God to the Renew Ministry and are committed to walk this spiritual journey to freedom with you. We believe in the Biblical concept of servant leadership and do not take the authority God has given us over you lightly. In our hearts, it comes with a huge responsibility to do whatever it takes to help you succeed.
We find that it is helpful to clarify expectations and this is a summary of what you can expect, what we expect and then some things for consideration:
What you can expect:
An environment which has been carefully constructed to allow you to focus on your relationship with Jesus.
To be treated with dignity as a person created in the image of God. Sincere, honest questions will receive a like response.
Genuine love and care. As stated previously, the staff at Renew has been called and specifically equipped by God to love and care for those who are struggling with issues and problems such as yours.
Guidance and constructive criticism to help you grow past the things keeping you from total freedom and healing.
When discipline becomes necessary, consequences that are fair and proportional to the violation.
What is expected of you:
A sincere desire to change in character and conduct.
Complete honesty and openness. We understand how hard trust is, but mutual trust is vital if we are to help you work through the life controlling issues you are here to address.
Humility. A lack of humility prevents teachability and the main reason you are here is to learn – to learn about Jesus, to learn about yourself, and to learn a new way of doing life. Humility will help you embrace and appreciate the authority and structure of Renew rather than resent it.
We do not ask for mindless obedience; however, compliance to the guidelines, rules and authority structure is non-negotiable in order for us to help you.
Commitment. You must be all in. This ministry is not for the faint-hearted. Remaining in the program requires continued commitment to personal change in character and conduct as well as a willingness to continue on the path of healing as identified by the staff.
Diligence. You must demonstrate a willingness and growing ability to follow the rules and satisfactorily complete homework, journaling, and work duties with a positive and teachable attitude.
For Your Consideration:
Some people find that this is a difficult program – and on many levels, it is. Part of why, is because you will need to give up some of your perceived freedoms in order to attain true freedom. That means:
You will be supervised and accountable to the staff.
Living arrangements are in a dormitory setting – privacy and personal space is limited.
The schedule is structured and free time is limited.
You will be required to do work projects as part of the program.
This is a Christ-centered program (see our Statement of Faith). Your thoughts and beliefs will be challenged, and you will be changed in the process. Your words and behavior will be addressed and challenged if they do not exhibit the character and conduct of a follower of Christ.
Circumstances that could lead to a Resident’s dismissal from the program:
Medical issues arise and prevent ongoing participation in the program.
Your emotional, psychological, or spiritual needs are beyond the ability or expertise of the existing program or staff.
There are significant omissions or falsifications of information on your application or in the interview process that come to light.
Attempting to smuggle in or use tobacco, drugs, pornography, weapons, or anything else deemed to be a threat to yourself or others in the community.
Violence or threats of violence, taunting to provoke violence, or creation of an atmosphere of intimidation.
A pattern of inappropriate relating with members of the same or opposite sex or pursuing a romantic relationship with another resident or staff person
A pattern of lying and deception.
A pattern of abusive language.
An influence on others that is destructive, demoralizing, or divisive.
Being outside of the residence after lights out or before wake up in the morning without a staff member present.
Walking off the property without permission.
Additional House Rules specifically pertaining to the day-to-day routines and schedules of the house will be provided for you at the time of your arrival.
Communication + Visits
Residents may correspond with family members after the intake process has occurred, provided that the family dynamic is healthy and non-toxic.
Any other correspondence that does not involve immediate family has to be approved by the Director of Renew, but not until after the initial 45-day evaluation period. If approved, this privilege can be revoked at any time at Ministry Team’s discretion, should it become apparent that the correspondence is interfering with Resident’s progress and healing.
Postage is the Resident’s responsibility.
Incoming and Outgoing mail are subject to screening.
Mail may not always be distributed daily, but rather at the convenience of Renew Ministry Team.
Due to the lack of storage space and restrictions on items that Residents can have, requests for items should not be made in letters. If the Resident has a legitimate need, she can bring it to the Director of Renew for consideration. Any item arriving in the mail pursuant to a request via correspondence, will be returned to the sender.
All mail should be addressed to the Resident c/o Women’s Renew Ministry, PO Box 2438, Chattanooga TN 37409.
All incoming packages must be pre-approved by the Director of Renew. Any non-approved item included in a pre-approved package will not be given to the Resident but handled at the Director’s discretion.
Residents’ families are not allowed to send individual gift packages or special occasion gifts unless the Resident is in Phase 3 of Renew. If a Resident’s family has a desire to send a package that would bless the entire house please contact the director for ideas and approval. All unapproved packages will be returned to sender.
Residents will spend considerable time in Bible Studies and have required reading from a list of pre-approved books. For this reason, the only books that can be received for Residents are ones from the approved list, in the event that the sender wants Resident to have their own personal copy of that book.
Phone Calls
Residents will not be permitted to make phone calls in the first month of their stay, months are calculated by date of entry not number of days (Ex. Jan 4 to Feb 4, not the month of January). After 30 days, they will be permitted a 15-minute weekly phone call, to be monitored by Renew Ministry Team.
After the 45-day evaluation, Residents will be allowed a 30-minute weekly call on an appointed day, to approved family only. The Resident will determine how to divide the time among family members.
Phone calls may be monitored by Renew Ministry Team, especially in early phases, and may be terminated if deemed necessary.
Calls with children will be determined on a case-by-case basis and the decision will be based upon what is best for the child.
Phone calls are outgoing only and will come from a restricted number. If a Resident misses a call at the arranged time, she may try again later.
If Resident’s family would like information regarding her status and Resident is comfortable having us share with them, they can leave a message for Renew Ministry Director at 423-840-0053. The Director will return the call when possible. Please be patient. Sometimes the Renew world is a little busy!
EMERGENCIES – if you have a legitimate emergency please contact the Director of Renew.
No visits will be allowed in the first 30 days. Visits are primarily by family members; exceptions may be discussed and approved by the Director of Renew.
All visits must be pre-arranged and approved by the Director of Renew.
Visits in early phases will occur on church property. The visits will start out short and increase in length.
Residents in 3rd Phase may have off-site visits, with approval.
Out of state visitors may call director to discuss extended visits.
All mail, packages, phone calls and visits are privileges and are at discretion of Renew Ministry Team.